
Stuck on....

We've been remiss in featuring all of the various cool things we can do for labels, stickers, etc. to make your event completely yours! Just think of it - your 'brand' of water bottles, wine labels, candy toppers, envelope address labels, thank you labels, return address labels... and the list goes on and on --- all in totally unique shapes and sizes - no more looking at the Office Max aisle and sighing that they *only* have rectangles and very limited circles. Let your imagination run wild! Here's just a few ideas of custom labels we've done lately - we are SO in love with not having to put all our designs in white or ivory envelopes! Endless Possibilities!

ps. I apologize in advance if I have made you think of the 'stuck on band-aid brand' advertisement jiggle. I am actually hummed it out to see if 'designs in paper' would fit as well... knowing that the branding/copyright squad would be ready to nab me. :)

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I love the flourish address label on the left- so chic!