
Real Wedding: Erica & Jason

I don't know about you, but two weeks that have holidays in the middle of them make for a bit of confusion of what day it is! It's so exciting to hear from newly engaged brides! We've got lots of cool weddings coming up on the blog - it's so amazing to look back at a year of weddings and see all the incredibly cool paper goods we've made! Even cooler, we've made some really good friends from some our clients... and we LOVE that. Today's post is one of those brides... we had the best time with her and her mom! Erica wanted to have a really fun wedding - they love games and as a school teacher loved getting to really do some fun things for her and Jason's big day! We did mad-lib RSVPs for their guests to have fun with - and then a puzzle booklet for them to have fun during the reception! Enjoy the wonderful paper goods and congrats to Erica and Jason! Amazing photos by Shots by Cheyenne.

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